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- "alto"
- "singing voice lower than soprano"
- "The alto in the quartet had a very"
- "lovely voice."
- ""
- "The choir leader told me that I was"
- "not a soprano but an ____."
- ""
- "artisan"
- "a skilled workman"
- "It takes a true artisan to do such"
- "beautiful work with wood."
- ""
- "He hired a reknowned _______ to do"
- "the masonry work on his house."
- ""
- "blazer"
- "a sport jacket"
- "Your new blue blazer looks good on"
- "you, *."
- ""
- "Steve wore his new plaid ______"
- "to the party."
- ""
- "boycott"
- "a refusal to buy"
- "Are you going to support the farm"
- "workers by joining the boycott of"
- "grapes?"
- "The community staged a _______ to"
- "protest the high price of electricity."
- ""
- "brocade"
- "a fabric woven with raised designs"
- "The heavy brocade draperies gave an"
- "elegant ambiance to the room."
- ""
- "Southern belles wore elegant silk"
- "_______ gowns."
- ""
- "chasm"
- "a deep gap"
- "The chasm between the two peaks made"
- "the climb more perilous for the men."
- ""
- "The continental divide is formed"
- "by a long _____."
- ""
- "cochlea"
- "part of the inner ear"
- "The cochlea is the spiral-shaped"
- "section of the inner ear."
- ""
- "The extremely loud noise injured"
- "her _______."
- ""
- "descendant"
- "an offspring"
- "My friend * is a descendant"
- "of a man who came to America on the"
- "Mayflower."
- "Helen is a __________ of two"
- "Holocaust survivors."
- ""
- "diversity"
- "a variety"
- "California offers a great diversity"
- "of landscapes for the tourist."
- ""
- "Our school is noted for the _________"
- "of its student body."
- ""
- "eloquence"
- "fine speaking"
- "* spoke with great "
- "eloquence on the important issue."
- ""
- "Don's _________ has won him many"
- "debate trophies."
- ""
- "exploit"
- "a daring deed"
- "The new James Bond movie features"
- "his most exciting exploit ever."
- ""
- "My most remarkable _______ was"
- "climbing Mount Everest."
- ""
- "foundling"
- "a deserted child"
- "The foundling was adopted by her new"
- "family when she was two months old."
- ""
- "The little girl who was discovered"
- "by the police in an alley was"
- "classified as a _________."
- "glucose"
- "a kind of sugar"
- "Glucose and sucrose are simple "
- "sugars found in many of our foods."
- ""
- "One of the simple sugars in our"
- "bodies is _______."
- ""
- "hypochondriac"
- "a person with imaginary illnesses"
- "Sue often thought she was ill; she"
- "was a hypochondriac."
- ""
- "That woman spends most of her life"
- "thinking she is ill; I think she is"
- "a _____________."
- "magistrate"
- "a judge"
- "He is a magistrate in a county"
- "court."
- ""
- "The policeman was dismissed from the"
- "courtroom by the __________."
- ""
- "narrative"
- "a story"
- "The reading passage was a narrative"
- "about life in ancient Greece."
- ""
- "The exciting _________ was an account"
- "of the author's adventures in the"
- "jungles of Africa."
- "priority"
- "something which comes first"
- "Getting good grades is *'s first "
- "priority."
- ""
- "Getting into a good college is a high"
- "________ for many students."
- ""
- "receptacle"
- "a container"
- "Please put all your trash in the"
- "receptacle by the door."
- ""
- "A woman's purse often serves as the"
- "__________ for her basic necessities."
- ""
- "remnant"
- "a part left over"
- "She sewed a vest from the fabric"
- "remnant she had saved."
- ""
- "That single chunk of pottery is the"
- "only _______ of what was once a "
- "beautiful vase."
- "rigamarole"
- "nonsense"
- "Why must we go through all this "
- "rigamarole just to get our refund?"
- ""
- "Large universities often put their"
- "students through a lot of __________"
- "just to get enrolled in classes."
- "sanctuary"
- "a place of safety"
- "The basement shelter was a sanctuary"
- "for the family during the tornado."
- ""
- "That little cave in the cliffs would"
- "be the best _________ in a downpour."
- ""
- "sequence"
- "a connected series"
- "The Civil War was caused by a long"
- "sequence of events in American"
- "history."
- "The newspaper did a ________ of"
- "articles on the television industry."
- ""
- "slander"
- "a false statement"
- "The movie star is suing her agent"
- "for slander."
- ""
- "I was very upset by a bit of _______"
- "I heard about my friend."
- ""
- "trek"
- "a journey"
- "The hikers started their long trek"
- "up the mountain."
- ""
- "She was preparing to embark on a"
- "____ through the Middle East."
- ""
- "vanity"
- "pride"
- "It was vanity that made the balding"
- "man wear a hairpiece."
- ""
- "Because of my ______, I refuse to"
- "leave the house without makeup."
- ""
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